Categories: Pitch your Startup

[a.i.] RESUME – AI Machine Learning Powered Job Search (or not)

Ed: This looks very interesting but the pitch was a little different to the website when I visited it. I couldn’t quite work out if the app was meant for an employer to use or a jobseeker.

I got the impression from the pitch that this would find me jobs based on an AI powered backend which in theory sounds great but when you register it just seems to be a sophisticated landing site.

After going through the signup process (which was powered by another startup called it now occurs to me that I was just part of someones user validation test.

Hypothesis was can you get someone to signup to your form on the pretext of signing into an application. And doing so on the cheap without building a product just to see if anyone would signup.

New Y Combinator company by the look of it.

Not sure how I feel now, a little used and cheap….

Startup Name [a.i.] RESUME
What problem are you solving? The black hole of job applications! The pain of finding for and applying to jobs!
What is your solution? An automated, artificially intelligent agent that can find jobs based upon your skills and experience as well as create dynamic, intelligent and customized job applications.
Target Market job search, career planning, career management, recruiting
How will you make money? Subscription model and upgrades for specific features.
Tell us about the market & founders, why is this a great opportunity? The market for job searching and applying has not seen much change with PDF and WORD documents being the modus operandi for everyone out there. There needs to be a resume for the 21st century, one that is intelligent, adaptive and dynamic!
Founders Names Titus Blair
What type of funding has the company received? Bootstrap
Twitter Handle airesume
[lc-response-form id=1]

Mike Nicholls Australian Inventor + Entrepreneur working with a small team of engineers building prototypes from Inventions including two medical devices. Publishes and has assessed/reviewed +500 inventions and +200 startups in the last 3 years. Mentors Sydney Startups via Incubate and other incubators and helps members of the Australian Startup Community via the website with free publicity and advertising. Experience in numerous industries including Digital Publishing, Cloud Computing, Apps, Hardware, Aviation, Real Estate & Finance and Health/Medical Devices.

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