Startup Name: CrawlScout
Tagline: Get your sites indexed on Google (and other search engines), fast
Elevator Pitch: CrawlScout checks your sitemaps multiple times per day and submits any non-indexed pages to search engines right away. This means that your pages typically get indexed in less than 24h, instead of days or weeks (if ever).
🚀 Index up to 1000 pages per day
🤖 Auto-indexing of non-indexed pages
🔎 Submits pages to Google as well as Bing (and DuckDuckGo, Yahoo!), Yandex, Seznam and Naver
📊 Search analytics + indexing stats in a single dashboard + weekly e-mail reports
🍟 No limits on pages per site
⏱️ Sitemap checks multiple times per day
⚠️ Identify de-indexed and uncrawlable pages
Target Market: SEO agencies, niche site builders
How will you make money?: subscriptions
How much capital have you raised?: None
Founder(s) Name: Janis Graventon
Twitter: @CrawlScout
City/Country: Tallinn, Estonia
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