Startup Name: Moment Health
Tagline: Moment Health solves hormones and health.
Elevator Pitch: Keeping a balance of our hormones is such a critical component to our health and wellbeing. Our Hormones function as messengers between body systems helping to regulate so many functions in thebody from our physiology and behavior, digestion, metabolism, respiration, tissue function, sleep, stress, reproduction and even our moods.
Everyone can experience a hormonal imbalance at some point in their lifetime. Disrupted hormones can cause weight gain, menstrual cycle disturbances, skin related issues, mental health issues and overall leave you feeling a poor quality of life.
If you are experiencing hormone fluctuations, it may be time to look into hormone testing. It’s important to note that all things in the body are connected. When dealing with an imbalance in the body a multifaceted approach is vital for the body to work in harmony with itself. If you’re experiencing hormone fluctuations, it’s time to look into hormone testing. At Moment, our experts guide and support you on this journey towards a healthier you. Hormones regulate everything in the body. Now it’s time to offer some TLC to your hormones.
Target Market: Women, Aged 35-55
How will you make money?: Subscriptions
How much capital have you raised?: None
Founder(s) Name: Alannah Slingsby
Twitter: @momenthealthhq
City/Country: San Francisco/United States
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