Cool Shit

Handpresso AUTO – I want one

I love coffee, I am a coffee nazi, for many years I searched for the ideal coffee beans, I have

µRuler – Sydney based crowdfunded PCB Ruler oversubscribed 1100% on

Sydney based Dave Jones the editor of Electronics Engineering Video Blog has an awesome crowdfunded project on Australia’s own crowdfunding site Since posting the project with a target of raising $2500 he now has 2050 supporters that have pledged over $28,000 (that last $15 was mine) to order a batch

The Martin Jetpack – The Jetsons are alive and flying in New Zealand

New Zealand is not normally known for its advanced aviation industry, however super hero Glenn Martin has managed to build a prototype of a Jetpack and has managed to get the NZ Government to approve manned test flights. The company is accepting $5000 deposits for the craft, with an expected

Australia’s own Burt Rutan? Stealth Start-up Space Ventures

This is so cool, this is what the edge of space looks like. I have known Brian Lim for a

Hacking your TV – Google Chromecast and a few other tricks

This is pretty cool, Google just released the Chromecast for $35. This is pretty amazing in one fell swoop they

This book will change your life



Learn about OKRs - Objectives & Key Results, the management system that Google & Intel use to achieve massive growth


You can use OKRs to massively accelerate your startup and personal life.


Written by John Doerr the legendary Venture Capitalist who invested $12m into Google which became $3 billion a few years later.


He also invested in Amazon, Intuit, Zynga, Compaq, Netscape, Macromedia, Symantec, Sun & dozens of other companies.


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