
Hardware trends 2015 – Cyril Ebersweiler, Founder & Managing Director at HAXLR8R

Ed: The best presentation on hardware in 2015, possibly ever. I visited Cyril and HAXLR8R in Shenzhen in October and saw their hackerspace which is 200m from probably the largest wholesale electronics component market in the world. Arguably they are one of the most successful non corporate hardware accelerators in the

Cool Hardware Only Gets You On The Starting Grid

Visiting the Hong Kong Electronics Expo this week has made me realise that while you must have cool hardware to

Prototyping Hardware – 15 Lessons Learnt the Hard Way

I started writing this article 6 months ago, but such is the nature of hardware, you think its going to be a 3 month project but it turns into 12. I am not an electrical engineer by trade, although I spent the first part of my working life working on aircraft

Shenzhen Hardware Hacker Scene – Key People & Places

Guest Post: Martin Pasquier If you were waiting for a sign that China has changed and is an amazing huge thing adapting

goTenna – Is this the beginning of NSA proof personal comms networks?

  goTenna is a new class of internet-less comms device that doesn’t need the internet or the mobile phone network

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