
Defender 24/7 – Smart Personal Protection System

Ed: Great to see a hardware startup pitching and we would love to see more. I wrote an article about the Defender about a year ago when they were first launching, I liked it then and I like it now, its a great idea to help protect women, very happy

Hardware trends 2015 – Cyril Ebersweiler, Founder & Managing Director at HAXLR8R

Ed: The best presentation on hardware in 2015, possibly ever. I visited Cyril and HAXLR8R in Shenzhen in October and saw

Shenzhen Hardware Hacker Scene – Key People & Places

Guest Post: Martin Pasquier If you were waiting for a sign that China has changed and is an amazing huge thing adapting

Apple Watch is Missing 5 Critical Health Sensors

The new Apple Watch is sexy, a fantastic engineering implementation, I love it and want one. Speaking from experience it is

Porsche 919 Hybrid – Makers dream

  You might be wondering why we are featuring racing cars on a Startup site, firstly most of the startup guys I know like a bit of car porn and we haven’t had any for a while, secondly and more importantly a lot of our readers are makers and hackers

goTenna – Is this the beginning of NSA proof personal comms networks?

  goTenna is a new class of internet-less comms device that doesn’t need the internet or the mobile phone network