How to?

Behavioral Innovation, the Need To Pivot, Why We Don’t and What We Can Do About It

Written by Christine Thong and Evan Shellshear When was the last time you seriously thought about your blue chip investments going broke? At what point will those shares be worth nothing? Although it may sound ridiculous, the question is serious because at the current rate of disruption, it has been

The 5 Tricks To Build A Startup In 6 Months Like A Pro

I wanted to reach out to everyone in this blog post and share with everyone some awesome tricks to build

Getting Your Startup off the Ground: 10 Tips to Avoid Crashing and Burning

A lot of startups come to us with part of their plan already in place, having taken the initiative and done things themselves. This is great in theory, as every cent counts when trying to launch a lean startup for success. However, sometimes this inadvertently leads to other problems that

8 Steps to Turn Your Tech Startup Ideas Into Reality

Ed: This week we will be featuring a number of guest posts from undergraduate students from University of New South Wales who are building real businesses while still studying. Today’s post is from Nikita Nagesh, one of the founders of Shopping in a Hurry. As Marc Andreeson said, “software is eating the

What’s In A Name – Trademarks & Digital Marketing

Note: This is a general commentary on recent cases in Trademark Law, Digital Marketing and Domains, it does not take into

Raise Your Weapon – Deadmau5 vs. Disney – Startups Should Protect Their Trademarks Before They Get Traction

Guest Post: Dominic Green is the Principal of Green & Associates Solicitors – You can connect via his Linkedin Profile or

This book will change your life



Learn about OKRs - Objectives & Key Results, the management system that Google & Intel use to achieve massive growth


You can use OKRs to massively accelerate your startup and personal life.


Written by John Doerr the legendary Venture Capitalist who invested $12m into Google which became $3 billion a few years later.


He also invested in Amazon, Intuit, Zynga, Compaq, Netscape, Macromedia, Symantec, Sun & dozens of other companies.


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