
6 Beer Tech, Home Brew Startups & Kickstarter Projects

Because its the weekend and I’m about to bottle a batch of my special Freemans Reach Euro Lager and just

Want to learn something? Make something cool – UNSW CREATE club prototypes a Quadcopter from scratch

University of NSW has a cool student group called CREATE, in their own time they teach each other how to

Hydrogen Hybrid kits coming to you from a farm on the outskirts of Sydney – Does it really work?

Be sceptical, I know I am, you should read this article with an open mind, however this topic promotes controversy

Autodesk awarded Gold Circuit Board Award for 123D Circuits – Web based circuit design software for would be hardware hackers

Adding to the highly capable 123D range of free software for makers and enthusiasts, Autodesk has released 123D Circuits. Aiming to bridge the gap between homemade hand drawn circuits or free open source packages and high-end circuit design, simulation and layout software such as Eagle and Altium, 123D Circuits allows you