Nailing It

Tansel Ali is Nailing It!

This Nailing It goes to Tansel Ali, once you know his story, it’s very hard to forget. Tansel is 3x Australian Memory Champion, represented Australia in the World Memory Championships, featured in two award-winning documentaries on the brain, completed two masters degrees (IT and an MBA), is a bestselling author

Derek and Kirrily Bloomfeld are Nailing It

Ed: Some readers may wonder why we are profiling agriculture and farmers. Although many tech commentators are focused on the

Gavin Blake is Nailing It

A thoughtful person knows that a picture tells 1000 words and a wise person knowing this chooses their pictures carefully.

Ben Thompson is Nailing It

In Australia, everyone has a mate called “Thommo” and I’m proud to count a few. This weeks Nailing It goes

Will Davies is Nailing It

Will Davies is the subject of todays ‘Nailing It’. He is a lot like me except for being tall, handsome,

James Stevens is Nailing It

  This Weeks Nailing It goes to James Stevens of Roses Only fame.   Back in 2002, I was very

Dominic Green is Nailing it

This weeks Nailing It goes to Dominic Green. I first met him through my brother (David) some 5 years ago

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