
Drones, Droids and Robots

The Australian Federal Government’s ‘National Innovation and Science Agenda’ was hosting the school theme of ‘Drones, Droids and Robots’ last month. The aim of this theme is to ‘embrace [in schools] … real-world application of autonomous technologies in areas including agriculture, mining, manufacturing, medicine and space and deep ocean exploration’. A

Hardware is Hard – Hardware That Flies is Impossible – 7 Lessons from the UAV Outback Challenge Winners

After spending last week observing and supporting Team Condor (Colombia) in the UAV Outback Challenge in Queensland Australia, it was clear to me that there was some common themes that emerged from the four successful teams. As regular readers will recall, I spent the first 9 years of my working life

UAV Challenge Mission Complete Team SWFA Drops Water to Outback Joe

Moments after I pressed the publish key on the last post Outback Joe is in Deep Shit, word came through

Looks Like Outback Joe Is In Deep Shit – UAV Challenge Day 3

Yesterday was the first day of flying for the UAV Challenge. After seeing six teams launch or attempt to launch

UAV Outback Challenge – Photos – High School Students Airborne Delivery Competition

We watched the School Students prepare and compete today, pretty sure I got photos of all of them, sorry if

UAV Outback Challenge – This week is UAV Week

This week Im off to the temporary UAV Capital of the world Kingaroy in Queensland Australia. In a moment of

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