
SEC says YES to Equity Crowdfunding!

After over three years in regulatory limbo, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has finally voted the adoption of the

Building Up. Australia’s Emerging Real Estate Crowdfunding Platforms

Australia is set to see a number of new startups that are applying Crowdfunding technology to real estate assets, Australian’s love our real estate so its easy to see why these startups each potentially have a bright future. Unlike a lot of new startups one of the keys features of this group

A Better Model For Crowd Equity Funding?

Ian Maxwell has a slightly tongue in cheek proposal for Crowdfunding originally published on his blog. In its current form Australia’s proposed Crowdfunding Legislation, with its limits of $10,000 per non sophisticated investor per year and maximum of $2500 per company per investor, looks pretty bloody useless. My guess is the

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