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Startup Name SendBird
What problem are you solving? We help developers build 1-on-1 messaging and group chat in 5 minutes and let them focus on core of their contents
What is your solution? SendBird is the whole package from the front-end UI to the back-end, we offer the simplest messaging solution for your app.
Target Market User-to-seller or user-to-user communications in conversational commerce/mobile games and scalable chatroom in live video streaming service
How will you make money? There are monthly subscription fee based on chat MAU and Enterprise customized pricing is also applicable
Tell us about the market & founders, why is this a great opportunity? Our market stretched over Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS) in a product perspective providing SDK/API. But We are more likely to position ourselves as Messaging-as-a-Service player helping our clients to build conversational commerce. We’ve been building chat/messaging for a couple times when we were building our social game, Paprika Labs acquired by GREE in 2012, and we had to build this chat functionality every time. We felt like it was re-inventing the wheel every time. Even though chat is really important, as a startup you have limited resources. We want your product team and engineers focusing on what matters most.
Founders Names John Kim
Founders Email NA
What type of funding has the company received?  


If you have a press kit or image gallery please provide a link (optional)  


Twitter Handle @sendbird
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