Global Database – Company Intelligence Platform On Global Markets

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Startup Name: Global Database

Tagline: Company Intelligence Platform On Global Markets

Elevator Pitch: Global Database provides contact information for companies and their employees across 195 countries. Whether you are looking for business leads, company financial information, credit risk or to get an insight about which technology a company is using, Global Database provides a unified platform to cover everything.

Our cutting edge online platform is what sets us apart; we take live data from a wide range of authoritative sources and present it in a clear and efficient way. Most importantly, our industry specialist teams ensure the international consistency of our data and the daily updates ensure it is always current.

This is why our solutions are used by thousands of sales, marketing and finance professionals in market-leading companies including Microsoft, Avaya, Cisco, KPMG, DHL, Dupont, Caterpillar and many more.

Target Market: Individuals and organizations looking for sales leads

How much capital have you raised? 50-100k

Founder(s) Name: Company Database


Twitter: @Global_Database

City/Country: Manchester, UK

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