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Startup Name Jetbuilt
What problem are you solving? Jetbuilt is designed with everything needed to create fast proposals in one place. Whether your company wins the job or not, creating proposals is an inevitable part of the process. Integrators love Jetbuilt because it gives them their time back — time they would have been spending pouring over spreadsheets and checking for mistakes. Jetbuilt takes care of that for you.
What is your solution? Jetbuilt is an AV installation solution software that helps with estimating and generation of proposals. Keep your integration AV software organized and fast. We preload hundred of manufacturer\’s products into our system and can give you direct access to dealer pricing (if you are an authorized dealer). Our customers cover the whole spectrum of AV installation from integrators, manufacturers, distributors, and more.
Target Market Businesses
How will you make money? Free trial then $49/month
Tell us about the market & founders, why is this a great opportunity? We are a California software company with a twist. Our founder is a Grammy nominated studio engineer and award winning web designer who has also designed and integrated commercial AV systems throughout the U.S. We are a strong and diverse team with a century of background in the AV and Tech industries.
Founders Names Sumedh Jigjinni
Founders Email NA
What type of funding has the company received? NA
If you have a press kit or image gallery please provide a link (optional)  


Twitter Handle @jetbuilt
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