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Startup Name: Localazy
Tagline: Translation platform built for mobile app developers.
Elevator Pitch: Localazy helps single app developers and small digital teams to localize their mobile apps. Thanks to shared translations and unique review process, Localazy saves them a lot of money and help them to ensure high-quality localization without inhuman effort.
Localazy is aimed at mobile apps and provides a better workflow for developers – from integration with their favorite IDE to delivering updated translations and new languages online to end-users.
Target Market: mobile app developers
How will you make money?: We provide a lot of services for free but earn from extra features such as over-the-air updates and professional translations.
How much capital have you raised?: 500k-1m
Founder(s) Name: Václav Hodek
Website: https://localazy.com
Twitter: @localazy
City/Country: Brno, Czech Republic
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