TeknTrash – TeknTrash is a startup which uses AI to locate products at disposal sites and thus provide consumer data.

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Startup Name: TeknTrash

Tagline: TeknTrash is a startup which uses AI to locate products at disposal sites and thus provide consumer data.

Elevator Pitch: Companies don’t know what happens with their products after they were sold to wholesalers. This, however, is the most important moment in the product´s history, as it is the time when it was actually used by the customer.

TeknTrash is a startup which uses AI to locate products at disposal sites and thus provide consumer data.

We can then match that product to the sales history provided by the client to provide consumer use information.

This allow consumer product companies know their consumers better, avoid stock, use alternative plastics, resize better the packaging, focus their sales, know how long it took for the product to be consumed, and encourages people to recycle.

Target Market: FMCG companies

How will you make money?: Monthly subscriptions based on the amount of data processed

How much capital have you raised?: 100-250k

Founder(s) Name: Al Costa

Website: https://www.tekntrash.com

Twitter: NA

City/Country: London, UK

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