Chummy – The simplest app to ask for help and pay it forward ❤

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Startup Name:- Chummy
Tagline:- The simplest app to ask for help and pay it forward ❤
Elevator Pitch:- The Chummy urban social app connects people who need help with those who are ready to lend a hand nearby ❤

With Chummy, people can:-
• Find help locally and pay it forward.
• Become a real superhero in a city, like Batman or Superman.
• Develop real relationships with real, like-minded people in your city who are kind, fun and who care.

And a super-duper tidbit:- no fees, no ads, no gimmicks.
We really DO mean to make the world a better place together ^_^

Target Market:- Our Target Audience (in Seattle and over the US): M/FM, millennials (25-35y.o.), FB users (we have FB reg only), mobile users (iPhone and Android based smartphones), “goodness”-brands adopters (TOMS shoes, Trader Joe’s, Apple, Starbucks. Lyft, etc.), kind people who are open to ask for help and enjoy paying it forward at the same time.
How will you make money? Right now we’re focused on MVP test (value/growth). Like Whats App was. No fees, no ads, no gimmicks.
How much capital have you raised? None
Founder(s) Name:- Vitalii Betin and Anton Zapolskyi
Twitter:- We don’t use twitter.
City/Country:- Los Angeles / US

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