Heyo – Tell your professional story with short-form video and audio clips 👋

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Pitch your Startup, App or Hardware or post a Startup Event or Startup Job

Startup Name: Heyo

Tagline: Tell your professional story with short-form video and audio clips 👋

Elevator Pitch: With Heyo, professionals can create short video, audio, or text clips speaking to their experiences, skills, past projects, and more. They can also feature testimonials from colleagues or former bosses for an instant credibility boost. Heyo also works for companies. As a hiring manager, you can introduce yourself and your team, share the challenges you’re working on, and even showcase your office and team culture. We believe that it’s important for both parties to feel a connection before deciding to work together. Once you create your Heyo profile you can customize it with a simple link or as a QR code that can be added to a resume, cover letter, or something else.

In addition to job seekers, Heyo also works for anyone who understands the power of building a personal brand to stand out, we’ve seen use cases for founders, freelancers, coaches, sales professionals to name a few.

Target Market: Job Seekers, Employers, Hiring Managers, Professionals

How will you make money?: Heyo is free!

How much capital have you raised?: None

Founder(s) Name: Vivian Chen

Website: https://heyo.at

Twitter: @heyo_app

City/Country: New York City, USA

Pitch your Startup, App or Hardware or post a Startup Event or Startup Job

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