Daily Habits, Measurements & Dashboards

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Startups move fast, they often grow very fast, they can crash just as fast.

More than one thing can kill you. You can grow too fast, working capital spikes, costs can spike, cash collections slow to a crawl.

Daily habits of tracking key metrics are essential. It’s valuable to keep a high tempo for the business but more importantly to provide an early warning system so you can spot when you have a problem before it becomes a crisis.

Get someone to build you a Daily Report, a few suggestions

  • Cash on hand
  • Cash received
  • New Income,
  • Hours billed,
  • New users signed up,
  • Total daily users
  • Monthly run rate
  • Monthly burn rate
  • Website Visitors
  • Average Revenue Per Customer
  • Average Order Value

There are a bunch of options you need to decide what the critical KPIs are for your business.

Keep that Dashboard updated every day, emailed to you first thing in the morning so no matter where you are or what you are doing you know exactly what is going on, even better if its a live dashboard you can view on a computer or an App.

A daily dashboard is an early warning sign for trouble, you don’t have to wait a month or a quarter to find out there is a problem and can jump on it and fix it long before its a crisis.



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Pitch your Startup, App or Hardware or post a Startup Event or Startup Job

This book will change your life



Learn about OKRs - Objectives & Key Results, the management system that Google & Intel use to achieve massive growth


You can use OKRs to massively accelerate your startup and personal life.


Written by John Doerr the legendary Venture Capitalist who invested $12m into Google which became $3 billion a few years later.


He also invested in Amazon, Intuit, Zynga, Compaq, Netscape, Macromedia, Symantec, Sun & dozens of other companies.


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