Polyglot – On Demand Human Translation as a Service

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Machine translation as tempting as it is, is not quite ready for generating accurate translations. Polyglot is a great idea to make this more accessible for a wider audience and to take some friction out of the process.

As it is done now, I would have to find the right translator, get some sort of quote and work out an agreement (who knows what that would entail if you needed a proper agreement).

Polyglot provides an easy on demand method for providing and buying a translation service, it should be much more efficient than the existing methods and give access to a much wider range of people.

Whether it can build a big enough marketplace on its own against a Freelancer or Odesk is a matter of execution for these guys.

Double sided markets require extreme execution on getting the suppliers (inventory) listed. Without this the customers (buyers) wont come. Whichever startup gets position 1 and 2, generally gets all the value and its tough for new entrants.


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What problem are you solving? Demand for translation services is constantly growing bigger, and while there are dedicated translation services for big companies, they don’t usually suit smaller companies, organizations and sole proprietors. For these reasons, they usually have to spend a lot of time looking for experienced translators.
Same thing happens to freelance translators. It’s not an easy task to find a job these days, and some freelance translators might spend quite some time in order to find a suitable contract.
What is your solution? Polyglot is going to bring all types of language freelance jobs together in one place including translation, tutoring, copywriting and tour guiding.
Why is this a great opportunity? Created by experienced translators and linguists, Polyglot will run in 6 languages. It has many special features to offer and it is going to rethink the way global freelance works.
Target Market People of all ages from Europe and CIS.
How will you make money? Selling PRO Accounts will be primary way of making money. It will allow customers to get more relevant executive search results and executives can boost their rating.
Founders Names Andrey Prudko
Website http://2polyglot.com
What type of funding has the company received Friends/Family


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