OllyBee – Gamifying Content Marketing

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Ed: Normally you try to remove friction to get people to signup, however there might be times where you might want to drag them around your website to educate them or Ollybeeget their buy in.

However website owners would need to offer a high value reward to make it worth the users time and effort to complete the hunt.

Could be good to either educate people about your product or site.

My wife is in cosmetics, they frequently look for ways to educate their staff and users about the benefits of various products and gamifying this would probably help if you offered a free hand cream or sample for completing the task.

Think this needs a little more development on their website to better flesh out the value proposition

Startup Name OllyBee
What problem are you solving? We help to decrease bounce rate, engage visitors and collect leads in funny way
What is your solution? Game-driven promotions for your website
Target Market Blogger, content marketer, ecommerce owner
How will you make money? Premium plans
Tell us about the market & founders, why is this a great opportunity? OllyBee provides agamified approach to collect leads and decrease bounce rate.Just hide graphical objects on your website and suggest visitors to seek them. If you are content marketer, blogger or ecommerce owner our application will engage visitors to spend more time on your website.


Founders Names Sergey Kolontay , Dmitry Homenok, Ivo Capins, Artem Shambalev
What type of funding has the company received? Bootstrap
If you have a press kit or image gallery please provide a link (optional)
Website http://ollybee.com/
Twitter Handle @OllyBeeDotCom

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