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Startup Name | Publi.sh |
What problem are you solving? | Lots of companies are creating ebooks and downloadable content. However it’s hard to know if the content will be good quality, interesting or useful before you download. Publi.sh is a curated selection of pre-approved ebooks. Each person who downloads the content will have the opportunity to rate the ebook they have downloaded. These ratings will help others understand how good the ebook is and whether they should download it. In simple terms, Publi.sh lets people interested in marketing information find the best content for their needs following reviews by a larger community. |
What is your solution? | Publish lets creators of marketing ebooks list their content. People interested in learning about marketing can then come and download them for free. Each person who downloads will be asked to rate the ebook. The ratings will help others decide whether the ebook is right for them before they download. We hope publish will allow people to find the best marketing ebooks the web has to offer. |
Target Market | Anyone looking to market a business. Marketers, business owners, app developers, bloggers etc. |
How will you make money? | Subscriptions/Advertisement |
Tell us about the market & founders, why is this a great opportunity? | Publi.sh was created by 4040 Media the company behind market leading explainer video and content marketing agency Wyzowl. |
Founders Names | Matt Byrom |
What type of funding has the company received? | Bootstrap |
Website | http://www.publi.sh/ |
Twitter Handle | @publishapp |
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