Startup Name Monomail What problem are you solving? You receive two types of email everyday: human email...
Tony Freelance
My name is Tony Nguyen - I'm a freelancer, web developer and startups lover!
Startup Name YoGrow What problem are you solving? ECommerce is the fastest growing retail market. This is...
Startup Name Actions s.r.l. What problem are you solving? The basic paradigm of traditional desktop computing hasn’t...
Startup Name ZipShipit What problem are you solving? Having to drive down to The UPS Store or...
Startup Name QuietKit What problem are you solving? There never seem to be enough hours in the...
Startup Name ExamZone What problem are you solving? We allow users to create exams and quizzes online....
Startup Name Big Rock Labs Inc. What problem are you solving? The Search & Discovery of local...
Startup Name Naveego DQS What problem are you solving? Creates confidence and trust around the quality and...