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Startup Name Hirestack
What problem are you solving? – People are frustrated on wasting time for interview processes and remain disappointed after receiving offers not meeting their salary expectations

– Best IT professionals don’t consistently monitor job sites for new job opportunities

– There is no effective way to reach and offer jobs to the best tech talent

– Posting jobs to known web sites fails

– Direct contact via social networks as LinkedIn fails to attract attention

– The best talent is hard to reach and employers usually underestimate expectations

– People want to select the companies, that want to work for

What is your solution? – Disrupts the market by offering fair bonus policy – the hiring bonus is shared between the referrer, hired one and employer

– Hirestack is two-side marketplace specifically design to connect top IT professionals with the best employers based on predefined expectations

– Making the hiring of Engineers, Developers, QA, Designers direct with concrete offers not wasting time and remaining disappointed.

Target Market Developers, Programmers, UX/UI designers, DevOps, IT Engineers, QA, Hardware Engineers, IoT
How will you make money? Subscriptions/Advertisement
Tell us about the market & founders, why is this a great opportunity? MitkoMitko has extensive experience with UX/UI and multiple projectс in his professional background in the past 6 years. He worked as Creative Director in BLEAU, XS Software, GetLokal, ZENP


Coming from background of co-founding startup companies, he is the core of the technical development, architecture and vision in Hirestack. Before Hirestack, he worked for customers as McDonalds, Hotwheels, Bayer and etc. He has 10+ experience in software development.

Founders Names Mitko Yugovski
What type of funding has the company received? Bootstrap
Website https://hirestack.com/
Twitter Handle @hirestack
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