Go Commando

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Startup Name Go Commando
What problem are you solving? The problem for the brand is finding quality, engaged students, scaling the program, and managing cost. For the students the problem is getting real work experience, getting paid and finding work on their terms.
What is your solution? The Go Commando App is a mobile/web dashboard that connects brands directly to millenials at one or hundreds of campuses within minutes. Brands have the ability to post tasks, communicate directly with students, and obtain proof of work before committing to payment.

Since our launch in November of 2014 the Go Commando Network has grown from 25 schools with 500 students to over 490 schools with several thousand students. The system has made it possible for students to gain relevant work experience and generate income.

Target Market We target brands who want to engage with the millenial demographic, as well as 18-21 year old college students..
How will you make money? Subscriptions/Advertisement
Tell us about the market & founders, why is this a great opportunity? Adam Grant put himself through college while working as a brand ambassador for companies such as Apple and Mountain Dew. Mickey Katz spend much of his time building brand ambassador programs for brands focus on the college demographic. After challenges on both ends they decided to build Go Commando App.
Founders Names Adam Grant
What type of funding has the company received? Bootstrap
Website http://brands.gocommandoapp.com/
Twitter Handle @gocommandoapp
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