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Startup Name | FancyCrave |
What problem are you solving? | While there are other websites in our niche focus on quantity, we are focused on quality. Just because the image is free, that doesn\’t mean it has to be ugly. |
What is your solution? | I started Fancycrave.com as a side project a few months ago. The site consists of completely free stock photos taken by me and other photographers. My aim for these photos is to help designers and creative alike. People can use these images for whatever purpose they please (commercial or personal). I keep things very simple. I list the photo, its tags, the author, and the download link. I don\’t make people jump through hoops by making them like my Facebook page, give me their email, etc. My hope is that other people will find it a valuable resource. |
Target Market | Our target audience is bloggers, marketers, designers, artists, and creatives. |
How will you make money? | Subscriptions/Advertisement |
Tell us about the market & founders, why is this a great opportunity? | Igor Ovsyannykov is a bloggers and designer based in Washington D.C. I\’ve been running a popular design blog http://inspirationfeed.com/ since March, 2010. |
Founders Names | Igor Ovsyannykov |
Founders Email | NA |
What type of funding has the company received? | Bootstrap |
If you have a press kit or image gallery please provide a link (optional) | NA |
Website | www.fancycrave.com |
Twitter Handle | @fancycrave |
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