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Startup Name Filefly
What problem are you solving? Helps make sharing files simpler & faster on mobile devices.
What is your solution? Filefly is a keyboard application for IOS. It helps make sharing files simpler & faster. Works with Dropbox and Google Drive. Use the keyboard to access all your content in a single place. This makes attaching and sharing files in any application quick and easy. tap on a file/folder to insert a shared link. Swipe to copy & paste the file. Works in any application the keyboard is accessible. Send to anyone. Filefly is not required to receive shared content.
Target Market Students, professionals, businesses, productivity, utility, marketers, bloggers, sales people
How will you make money? Subscriptions/Advertisement
Tell us about the market & founders, why is this a great opportunity? Greg Soroka = Part of the founding team at Product Leader for 7+ years.
Randy Sutton = Makes computers go fast. Computer Science graduate with a passion for technology.
Founders Names Greg Soroka
Founders Email NA
What type of funding has the company received? Bootstrap
If you have a press kit or image gallery please provide a link (optional)  


Twitter Handle @Fileflyapp
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