Jumble for Gmail

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Startup Name Jumble for Gmail
What problem are you solving? Emails are not secure and securing them takes time, money or technical knowledge.
What is your solution? Jumble is free and it integrates with your Gmail account. The integration is important for two reasons: to give you a seamless experience and to retain its zero knowledge provider status – Jumble has no access to the underlying emails and likewise the email provider has no access to the keys so once the emails are encrypted they can only ever be decrypted and read by the sender and recipient.
Target Market Day to day emailers who care about their online security and privacy.
How will you make money? Subscriptions/Advertisement
Tell us about the market & founders, why is this a great opportunity? Gavin Kearney, the company’s visionary, is a Software Architect with a M.Sc in Security & Forensic Computing from DCU. His professional experience ranges from enterprise software development and delivery to banking security system design while his start-up experience spans big data search, real-time photo indexation and more notably email encryption.
Founders Names Fiona
Founders Email NA
What type of funding has the company received?  


If you have a press kit or image gallery please provide a link (optional)  


Website www.jumble.io
Twitter Handle @JumbleSecurity
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