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Startup Name | Agriya |
What problem are you solving? | Agriya provides the clone scripts of popular websites such as Etsy, Fiverr, Groupon, Thumbtack, Taskrabbit, 99designs and crowdfunding platforms for entrepreneurs. Based on the client needs, we will customize the scripts to match their business/startup need. We also provide the web design, development and app development for the various types of industries. |
What is your solution? | Agriya facilitates a ready-made solution for the most thriving business model that are prevailing in the online world. Our web solution helps the budding entrepreneurs to stand a chance of attaining the success by establishing an outstanding online business rapidly. Our web development services will meet all your business need absolutely below your budget. Mobile apps that we develop will help you to change the way of doing business tremendously. All our web solutions are the fast track to earn money and reach the success with ease. |
Target Market | clone scripts, web development, mobile application development |
How will you make money? | Through web development. clone scripts and customization of products |
Tell us about the market & founders, why is this a great opportunity? | Mr. Aravind Kumar, Cofounder and Chief Technical Officer (CTO) at Agriya (owned by Ahsan Technologies Private Ltd). The dot-com revolution is the key inspiration for him to start up a unique web and mobile development company specially for rendering the needs of the new and successive entrepreneurs to construct their own websites with ease and to discover their business in a wider perspective. Besides being the CTO of Agriya (owned by Ahsan Technologies), he is also a Co-Founder of Travelpickr Inc., from the year 2012. |
Founders Names | Mr. Aravind Kumar |
Founders Email | NA |
What type of funding has the company received? | Self Funded |
If you have a press kit or image gallery please provide a link (optional) | NA |
Website | www.agriya.com |
Twitter Handle | www.twitter.com/agriya |
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Pitch your Startup, App or Hardware or post a Startup Event or Startup Job