Glisser – Interactive Presentation Software & Mobile App

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Good idea, big trick with this is to get the audience preloaded with the app well in advance of the event. Too many times I have seen the audience completely distracted from the speaker trying to install the app and the story gets lost and everyone distracted.

Startup Name Glisser
What problem are you solving? There are estimated to be 1.3 million meetings each year in the UK alone. Many of these are small so do not use technology beyond PowerPoint and a projector. Glisser is fundamentally changing the industry by offering an effective, powerful product at a price that makes it viable for ANY of these meetings – not just the largest 5% with the largest budgets. It takes existing content formats and simply makes them better – the content is shared more easily and the audience can participate easily.
What is your solution? Glisser makes presentations interactive. It takes regular slide decks and pushes them out live to audience mobile devices, slide-by-slide, as they are presented. It then enables members of the audience to interact with the presenter or each other, through polls, live Q&A and Twitter. This improves engagement, aids learning and recall, and generates a huge amount of useful feedback and valuable data for presenters and event organisers. Attendees can also electronically mark-up the slides with notes, and send them to their email account for future reference.
Target Market Businesses
How will you make money? Free trial then £10/month
Tell us about the market & founders, why is this a great opportunity? Mike is the Founder ofGlisser – an event-tech solution that shares presentations live to audience devices, and incorporates social interaction.Prior to forming Glisser, Mike was a Marketing Director working in the telecoms and financial services industries, where he was responsible for multi-million pound budgets with a significant weighting towards client and employee events. Most recently Mike was at Octopus Investments, a City fund manager and venture capital company, where he helped grow assets under management from £500m to £4 billion in five years.
Founders Names Michael Piddock
Twitter Handle @GlisserApp
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