G-Lock EasyMail7

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Startup Name G-Lock EasyMail7
What problem are you solving? Like our users, we struggled to find a good email marketing solution. Any of available solutions did not meet our requirements. 3rd party email service providers were too expensive and we did not like the lack of control. Available desktop email programs had a limited set of email marketing features. That\’s why we developed EasyMail7 where the user can:1) Own his data. The user is guaranteed software no matter what.

2) Own his autoresponders. If an ESP suspends the user\’s account, his auto responders are paused indefinitely. EasyMail7 can work as a powerful front-end to any email delivery service. So, if one day the ESP decides not to do business with the user, the user can use dozens of email delivery services or his own SMTP server with EasyMail7.

3) Control his Inbox delivery. With EasyMail7 the user controls his From name, From email address and Return email address and chooses the suitable delivery mode including custom SMTP server, Amazon SES, SendGrid, Mandrill or any other email service SMTP settings.

4) Control his reputation. Email service providers like Mailchimp force the user to use their footer message along with hundreds of thousands of their other clients making the messages go to junk. With EasyMail7 the user controls his footer, his patterns, and his reputation.

5) Control delivery speed. Most email service providers can take up to 10 hours to deliver the emails, making it a bit too late for a flash sale. Using EasyMail7 the user can send out as many emails as his heart desires at the speed that his computer can handle. Deliver 10,000 emails in 1 minute? As long as you have permission do to that it is possible.

What is your solution? G-Lock EasyMail7 is in-house self-managed email marketing software that helps users create and deliver awesome, personalized emails to their customers, easily build fully-customizable drip campaigns for all needs, schedule email campaigns at the right time in the future, test Inbox placement and spam score to detect potential delivery issues before sending a real email campaign and use online subscription forms to collect subscribers.EasyMail7 can work as a powerful front-end to any email delivery service like Amazon SES, Sendgrid, Mandrill, MailGun etc. With EasyMail7, CAN-SPAM compliance, bounce and unsubscribe management is automated.

It can be used by companies with strict data security policies that do not allow customer data sharing onto 3rd party cloud-based services as well as by small to medium size businesses, marketing and sales professionals who are looking to have full control over their email messages, contact lists, autoresponders, email delivery and reputation.

Target Market Businesses
How will you make money? 14-day free trial then starts at $149/first year
Tell us about the market & founders, why is this a great opportunity? Alex Markov is the CEO and owner of G-Lock Software (GLOCKSOFT LLC). Dmitry Vladyko is the COO and co-founder of G-Lock Software. Headquarters are located in Minsk, Belarus.
Founders Names Alex Markov
Founders Email NA
What type of funding has the company received?  


If you have a press kit or image gallery please provide a link (optional)  


Website www.easymail7.com
Twitter Handle glocksoft
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