Puck App

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Startup Name Puck App
What problem are you solving? Technology is changing almost all aspects of your life and that technology is trickling down to recreational sports.Puck app helps to connect two different type of hockey players to ensure that everyone playing can play the game how it was meant to be played. Everyone should have the joy of shooting on a real goalie.
What is your solution? Puck is an app that allows hockey players to quickly rent a goalie for their game by matching their team with the best available goalie.It ensures that every recreational hockey game has two goalies and is as fun as possible.
Target Market Consumers
How will you make money? Pay $45 to rent a goalie for an hour.
Tell us about the market & founders, why is this a great opportunity? The founder of Puck App is Niki Sawni. Niki\’s been playing high level hockey his whole life and continues to play recreational hockey several times a week. It is during his recreational hockey playing where he identified a common problem among other teams and set out to use technology to enable a solution.Niki studied business at Queens University in Canada and works at a leading tech company. He is passionate about sports, entrepreneurship and technology, making Puck the perfect start up for this interests and passion.
Founders Names Niki Sawni
Founders Email NA
What type of funding has the company received?  


If you have a press kit or image gallery please provide a link (optional)  


Website www.puckapp.ca
Twitter Handle Puck_app
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