SaaS Invaders – 4 SAAS Deals & Discounts Each Week

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Startup Name SaaS Invaders
What problem are you solving? For startups / partners : we offer better visibility
What is your solution? Private sales website of SaaS web tools for Startups. Every week SaaS Invaders lets discover a selection of 4 web tools with great discount.
Target Market Startup profiles
How will you make money? We take a percentage on sales
Tell us about the market & founders, why is this a great opportunity? Member side : This website doesn’t provide an infinite number of solution but renewed every time with new offers and new discounts; the member is not lost but instead accompanied contrast to all other websites which are actually directories and he can get discounts on web tools for free.
Partner side: The same, editor has a better visibility and he is not lost with lot of apps.
Founders Names Tom Benattar ; Fabien Gensane
What type of funding has the company received? Government Grants
Twitter Handle @saasinvaders
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