Axis Drones

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Startup Name Axis Drones
What problem are you solving? Search for \”epic drone crashes\” on YouTube, these are the people who could\’ve saved thousands of dollars by learning the full mechanics of quadcopter flight, indoors, safely and for under $50 before they move on to larger, more expensive aerial equipment. Learn to fly for less.
What is your solution? Learn to Fly For Less. Tiny Drones for under $50.
Target Market consumers, early adopters, techies, rc enthusiasts, teenagers, college students, men
How will you make money? Through Sales
Tell us about the market & founders, why is this a great opportunity? During the summer of 2014, a rogue drone was spotted flying around our neighborhood at night (inappropriately). We tried to chase it, knock it down, spray it with a hose, but we had no luck. Then Robert had an idea, \”What if we launch a squadron of tiny little drones to attack it and bring it down?\” We ordered a bunch of CX-10 drones and learned to fly, but never got the chance to launch our attack.Over the winter we listed the tiny drones for sale on our e-commerce site, and we sold over 10,000 units during the holiday season! We knew then that we\’d found an awesome online community that shared our interests. After the holidays we sent a poll to our customers asking what they liked and didn\’t like, in an effort to make an even better nano drone. We used that feedback to design our first few drones and came to be.
Founders Names Robert Morrison
Founders Email NA
What type of funding has the company received? NA
If you have a press kit or image gallery please provide a link (optional)  


Twitter Handle @axisdrones
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