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Startup Name Spacious
What problem are you solving? Finding a place to live in asia is very hard
What is your solution? Spacious is an online marketplace connecting buyers and tenants with properties throughout Asia. Spacious differentiates itself by combining a superior user experience with powerful analytical tools and relevant content to make the process of buying, renting or selling a property as simple and efficient as possible.Dealing with property agents and existing aggregator sites in Asia is painful. Participants feel under serviced, over charged and are highly dissatisfied. Many agent listings on aggregator sites are fake or unavailable properties left as bait to generate leads. Additionally, there is limited availability of high quality valuation tools. The real estate market is ripe for a disruptor that can offer market transparency, independence and a superior user experience.
Target Market Businesses
How will you make money? Monthly subscription
Tell us about the market & founders, why is this a great opportunity? Asif is a senior IT director and application architect with over 11 years of software engineering experience working for top international companies. He is a versatile senior technology leader who\’s current role as the spacious CTO encompasses growth hacking, product development and technology leadership. Asif graduated from University College London in 2001 where he majored in Mathematics and Computer Science. He spent the first 8 years of his career at Goldman Sachs working in a variety of roles before joining Standard Chartered Bank in 2010 as a senior IT director (Band4) with a mandate to build the Cash Equities Front Office technology team. He left SCB in 2012 to pursue his entrepreneurial dreams. Asif has a strong track record of building large technology teams, managing challenging clients, growth hacking and ultimately delivering cutting edge technology solutions to solve difficult problems. Asif comes from a strong background of property investment through his fathers company in London having been investing in and developing property for the past 25 years.
Founders Names Asif Ghafoor
Founders Email NA
What type of funding has the company received?  


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