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What problem are you solving? Businesses needed a simple way to advertise their social media pages. With the ever growing and variety of networks, they needed to cut through the clutter to deliver to their customers a simple, memorable way to find them on social media networks, without the threat of finding the wrong page, or losing them before they engage with them.
What is your solution? We provide you with an address and a simple icon based landing page with your social media page links.

It helps you to reduce the clutter in your advertisements, marketing material and email signatures and increases follower engagement by providing them with a simple memorable way to find you on the social media networks.

The customers are small businesses and micro businesses either that wish to have a short URL that makes them easy to find on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn or any other social media network.

Target Market Businesses
How will you make money? Always Free for basic accounts / Advanced features from $9 per month
Tell us about the market & founders, why is this a great opportunity? The two founders of are Nick Daskalou and Federico De Fazio. Friends since high school, together they bring to the web.Nick is a software engineer with skills in web development and UX design. Over the years he has worked for a variety of companies such as MYOB, Message Media and Sumitomo designing great practical websites with great UX and design.

Federico comes from a Commerce background in Marketing and Management. As a SME owner, he has worked in a variety of fields such as Retail and Manufacturing over the years, he brings to the perspective of a small business owner, their challenges and their requirements.

Founders Names Federico De Fazio
Twitter Handle @followusdotcom
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