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Startup Name Hubble
What problem are you solving? Startups and companies need more flexibility and ease when it comes to finding a place to build their businesses; and there is a lot of spare office space sitting idly by that could be put to better use – growing businesses! That\’s why the world needs Hubble.
What is your solution? Hubble helps startups and small companies find their perfect home by connecting them with office providers and other companies with spare space. The platform enables you to match, qualify and transact; match using search filters, qualify with detailed space and tenant profiles, and transact easily with your payment and legals all online.
Target Market Businesses
How will you make money? It\’s free for those looking for office space, and 5% of monthly rent for office space providers
Tell us about the market & founders, why is this a great opportunity? The company was founded by Tushar Agarwal, Tom Watson and Rohan Silva. Tushar studied Economics at LSE and worked at Greenhill doing Investment Banking while Tom studied Computer Science at Warwick University and did a small stint at IBM; they met on the Entrepreneur First program, an \’accelerator\’ which takes smart individuals rather than fully formed teams and ideas. It was on that program that they were introduced to Rohan Silva who was previously an advisor on tech to the Prime Minister and who pioneered Tech City.
Founders Names Logan Hall
Founders Email NA
What type of funding has the company received?  


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Twitter Handle HubbleHQ
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