Say Hi!
Pitch your Startup, App or Hardware or post a Startup Event or Startup Job
Startup Name | Say Hi! |
What problem are you solving? | Frustrated by the three rolling dots while waiting for an answer from your friend? Curious about what your friend has been typing for 5 minutes, when they only send 4 words?“Say Hi” is the solution to see your friend’s message while they are typing it! Yes, this is genuine real-time messaging. No need to wait or to tap “send”, you communicate at the speed of thought. It\’s the next evolution. |
What is your solution? | Say Hi allows you to send what you type while you\’re typing!With faster replies and hilarious messages guaranteed, we\’re showing you both sides of the story. We\’re moving forward from static and synchronous messaging. You\’ve never seen messaging like this. It\’s fast and flirty and there’s nothing else like it on the market. It’s a brand-new communication medium that\’s about a mile closer to real-life conversations! |
Target Market | consumers, students, teenagers, colleges, high schools, universities |
How will you make money? | Through Sales |
Tell us about the market & founders, why is this a great opportunity? | Matthieu, Andriy and Eleanor were part of the team that won TechCrunch Disrupt Europe Hackathon in London in 2014. Matthieu and Andriy also previously worked together on another app which successfully placed as top 10 out of over 400 competing apps in The Big App Fund competition, a contest organised by Worth Capital and Facebook.Matthieu has more than 5 years of experience designing and developing products for corporate clients. Andriy’s graduation from one of the top 10 universities in the world, together with his 4 years of professional experience in back-end development, give him an extensive programming background. Eleanor is a sharp-minded, natural-born talent box who has been helping startups build amazing products for 4 years and has won the Microsoft Imagine Cup. She also had the opportunity to work as a Product Development Specialist for a NASA-related project. |
Founders Names | Matthieu Rigolot, Andriy Marin, Eleanor Harding |
Founders Email | NA |
What type of funding has the company received? | NA |
If you have a press kit or image gallery please provide a link (optional) | NA |
Website | www.sayhi.io |
Twitter Handle | comeandsayhi |
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