Email List Verify – Email List Cleaning API

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Managing an email list and ensuring deliverability is challenging. Too many bounces can cause you issues with spam filters and deliverability. Also has an API with multiple driver libraries so you cn build it into your app.

Startup Name Email List Verify
What problem are you solving? This app is ideal for practically everyone in the world today. Every company or business in the Manufacturing, Production and Service Industries can and should use this app – from car wash companies, hotels, fashion design firms, beer companies to political parties. It is very effective and accurate in helping you reach your target market.

The target market (customers) on the other hand, gets the opportunity to learn about new products and services from different providers without having to deal with annoying email spamming.


An effective email marketing campaign depends on email lists deliverability. When your email lists contain non-valid emails, the hard bounces from your campaign will destroy your sender reputation and trigger spam and fraud blocks.

Email list verified protects you from penalties by offering the most comprehensive email verification solution on the market, making sure that your email lists are bounce free, valid and delivering high ROI.

Target Market Businesses
How will you make money? $4 to $890 flat fee
Tell us about the market & founders, why is this a great opportunity? The founder of Email List Verifier is Benfdela Achraf. He has a lot of experience – spanning 10 years – in email marketing. He has managed to reach out to millions of customers and potential clients on behalf of other companies – both small and large – and in turn boosting their conversion rates and tracking ROIs.

It is during this period that he learnt about the different issues involved in email marketing and problems that email marketers face such as High Email-Bouncing Rates, Damaged Sender Reputation, and Spam Blocks among others. So he started Email List Verify to handle these issues and help other email marketers be effective in their marketing campaigns as well.

Founders Names Achraf Benfdela
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