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Startup Name LucidLMS
What problem are you solving? LucidLMS is giving a voice to the millions of people who want to share and learn online. By providing this easy tool, professionals of all trades can create a course out of their expertise and make it available online inspiring spread of high-quality knowledge and ideas. LucidLMS is taking content to the new level, making online engagement between the like-minded even more meaningful.
What is your solution? Lucid LMS allows you to create full-featured learning experiences and sell them online. It does not only give you all necessary tools to create, but also guides you through the planning process: from an idea to a full-featured online course. It best serves individual professionals and organizations for post-secondary education, internal training and content marketing.
Target Market Businesses
How will you make money? $99/license
Tell us about the market & founders, why is this a great opportunity? LucidLMS was started by Yuriy Kurat, a tech entrepreneur and two developers — Alex Tinyaev and Irene Velychko. Before starting Lucid, they gained experience in specialized education starting GeekHub: a school helping talented youth start a career in IT. Founders strongly believe that niche education is one of the best, yet overlooked paths to innovation and economic growth. Alex and Irene are strong developers with years of experience in SaaS and WordPress projects. Yuriy’s background is in project management and tech consulting.
Founders Names LucidLMS
Twitter Handle @lucidlms
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