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Startup Name Trveler
What problem are you solving? We are looking to disrupt an industry that is antiquated and has failed to create new service offerings for the millennial demographic. Subscription based businesses have grown exponentially in multiple in industries in recent years, providing users with the comfort and affordability of their service offerings.

We are looking to do the same for the travel industry by also adding a customizable product that will allow users to essentially create a new type traveling lifestyle.

What is your solution? Trveler is a subscription based spontaneous travel service. We are the first all inclusive, flat monthly fee travel service in the U.S and we are looking to disrupt the travel industry by providing our
Target Market Consumers
How will you make money? $135/mo guarantees users a 3 day 2 night trip to an awesome surprise city in the U.S- offering a free month for beta users.
Tell us about the market & founders, why is this a great opportunity? Pablo Chavez MBA: CEO, 10+ years of experience in hospitality management, serial entrepreneur.

George Haskell: CTO, 10 + in the tourism and travel industry and serial entrepreneur
Krista Scimeca MBA: VP Data and Revenue Analysis, 6+ years revenue analysis in the hospitality industry.

Founders Names Pablo Chavez
Twitter Handle @trvelernation
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