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Startup Name Paralign
What problem are you solving? 1. self-knowledge, self-growth and a community of compassionate people2. social media is distancing you from yourself:
You spend most of your day browsing Facebook status updates, posts, tweets and images. You follow friends, celebrities, influencers and every now and again random people on social media. You research them every day; You know them better than you know yourself.

3. True anonymous platform for free self expression:
Fear of judgment and stigma might prevent you from fully expressing yourself on social media, specially when you are going through a hard time and need support.

What is your solution? Paralign is an anonymous journaling platform that connects you to similar thoughts as you journal; Letting you know that there is support, acknowledgement and hope. That you are not alone. Paralign gives you feedback about your thought and mood patterns and helps you be more aware. Paralign’s companion feature personalizes guides (like guided meditation) to empower you to live a more relaxed and inner-connected life.
Target Market Consumers
How will you make money? free
Tell us about the market & founders, why is this a great opportunity? Pouria Mojabi is the founderPouria has spend 8 year in health care, starting his career at UCSF and VA medical center helping advance predictions of Alzheimer’s, parkinson and epilepsy diseases through MRI and imaging technologies.

He has a few pending patents building personalized disease prevention platforms combining genetics and lifestyle to predict diseases and to give recommendations, working at healthcare startups.

He recently co-founded Vitagene which recently got accepted to Illumina’s incubator, leveraging genomic science to offer physicians a platform for data-driven care.

He personally struggled with mental health and built Paralign based on his own journey and how he came out of the dark one thought at a time. He is extremely passionate to fight the stigma and help people overcome their struggles and sufferings with the aid of technology and human compassion.

Founders Names Pouria Mojabi
Founders Email NA
What type of funding has the company received? NA
If you have a press kit or image gallery please provide a link (optional)  


Twitter Handle paralign
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