RealTime Clinic
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Startup Name | RealTime Clinic |
What problem are you solving? | The biggest problem with existing telemedicine platforms today is that they are technologically outdated very unfriendly to use, and expensive. Secondly they do nothing to keep you engaged and lack functionality. RealTime Clinic has attacked all these issues each in a unique way. We have built on the social features of what everyone is familiar with (i.e. FaceBook, Twitter, LinkedIn). There is complete transparency on RealTime Clinic so you can see what others are doing and learn from them. We have worked hard on building the coolest digital health platform on the web, and to complement the platform we also offer educational courseware and services, as well as community forums. There is no better way to learn than to have premium training and courseware, complemented with live virtual consults to practice what you have learned. Whether it\’s telemedicine, patient EMR, online scheduling, or billing. RealTime Clinic will eventually have it all. |
What is your solution? | RealTime Clinic (RTC) is a mobile platform to enable safe and effective telemedicine consults. The platform leverages off-the-shelf technology as well as licensed technology to build a first generation platform to delivering superior service. Healthcare providers on the platform can extend their service levels for existing patients while allowing access to new patients.RTC promptly pays physicians for patient visits by capturing payment at the time of the visit. RTC allows physicians easy access to all the benefits of a combined office model plus a telemedicine model including being able to see patients anywhere at anytime. RTC offers scheduling services, payment services, and provides a platform for physicians to augment current income with incremental income and profits. We have built on the social features of what everyone is familiar with (i.e. FaceBook, Twitter, LinkedIn). There is complete transparency on RealTime Clinic so you can see what others are doing and learn from them. |
Target Market | Consumers |
How will you make money? | Early-adopters: $99/month/provider (Original: $299/month/provider) |
Tell us about the market & founders, why is this a great opportunity? | 1. Nehal Swami: Founder/CEO – marketing, front-end, and day-to-day operations: – 10+ years of telemedicine experience; uses healthcare background to recognize consumer pain points.2. Asif Ali, MD: Co-Founder/CMO – scaling and raising capital: – Cardiologist, Clinical assistant professor at UT Health Science Center. Authored cardiology book published by McGraw Hill. Featured on Dr. Oz show, Channel 8 Bill of Health, Fox News, Discovery Channel, & a physician partner with the Houston Rockets. 3. Milton Chen Ph.D.: CTO/Mentor/Advisor – lead designer (back-end): |
Founders Names | Nehal Swami |
Founders Email | NA |
What type of funding has the company received? | NA |
If you have a press kit or image gallery please provide a link (optional) | NA |
Website | www.realtimeclinic.com |
Twitter Handle | RealTimeClinic |
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