Worksheet Systems

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Startup Name Worksheet Systems
What problem are you solving? World needs a decent alternative to spreadsheets. The alternative has to be very flexible and easy to use as spreadsheets are, but the same time, data have to be protected, validated, controlled and audited.
Worksheet Systems is there to enable business users a power to build custom data solutions, what they can control, customize, collaborate with colleagues and customers.
What is your solution? Worksheet Systems is online database software that allows anybody to build custom web database applications in a secured and controlled environment. No coding required!Worksheet Systems makes it easy to build enterprise-worthy data solutions and custom business applications that you can access from any device. Robust controls protect your data so you can share and collaborate with anyone.

Worksheet Systems can handle any data related task. Use it for managing everything from budgets and to-do lists to complex business processes, outgrown spreadsheets or generic software products.

Target Market Businesses
How will you make money? NA
Tell us about the market & founders, why is this a great opportunity?  

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Founders Names Pavlo Paska is a senior consultant and director at FalconSoft and founder of Worksheet Systems. Pavlo has 15+ years experience working software development industry. Last 8 years Pavlo spent designing and building a robust and sophisticated solutions for investment banks, hedge funds and asset managers. This is an industry where a lot of technology challenges meet hard working and demanding city environment. Not only has Pavlo a proven track record in designing, developing and leading a complex, robust end-to-end IT solutions, but he is also one of a few people who managed to keep traders off the Excel Spreadsheets in favour to much more managed, much more controlled and less risky coherent solutions. Most of his experience was translated into Worksheet Systems.
Founders Email NA
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Twitter Handle worksheetsystem
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