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Startup Name Spective
What problem are you solving? Eyewear is an expensive and difficult market to enter and then navigate.
What is your solution? We have developed a profitable supply chain that allows businesses to make and sell designer quality eyewear for free. We can \’virtualize\’ eyewear inventory, while maintaining brand integrity for our sellers, simultaneously removing the barriers of inventory purchasing and fulfillment.
Target Market Small Businesses, Artists, Charities, Creative Individuals, Internet Marketers
How will you make money? We charge a base price for completed product. The seller prices above that, and retains the margin.
Tell us about the market & founders, why is this a great opportunity? $15b year market in North America, 80% controlled by vertically integrated Giant, Luxxotica. The brand illusion for eyewear is disappearing concurrent with the rise of consumer generated content. Spective sits at the creative crossroads of both groundswells.
Founders Names Tom Larkin, Todd Kurihara, Sean Alvarado
Founders Email NA
What type of funding has the company received? Self Funded
If you have a press kit or image gallery please provide a link (optional)  


Website www.spective.com
Twitter Handle @spectiveeyewear
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