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Startup Name TriggMine
What problem are you solving? So you can’t pay a sales staff or afford high-priced marketing campaigns? No one cares to hear about your tight budget (join the club!). No time to interact with customers individually? That’s no excuse. The truth is that plenty of opportunity exists to reach customers – to convert them into sales, to win them back, to build their loyalty – if you connect with them at the right time.

How do you do that with limited resources?

TriggMine offers ready-made Email Campaigns for:

Abandoned Carts Recovery
Welcome Emails
Win-Back Campaigns
Best Customer series
Data-Driven Lifecycle Emails
Cross-selling & Up-selling
Replenish Emails
Post-Purchase series
dozens of others

There’s no need to hire any advanced online marketers. You don’t need to get developers involved to finalize the CMS.
Getting started just takes a few steps. You simply use our plugins to help you integrate, add your logo, contacts and activate the triggered campaigns.

What is your solution? TriggMine: Automated Email Marketing for E-commerce
Send intelligent Email & Increase your SALES.Abandoned Carts Recovery, Welcome Emails, Win-Back Campaigns, Best Customer series, Data-Driven Lifecycle Emails, Cross-selling & Up-selling, Replenish Emails, Post-Purchase series & dozens of others.

You don’t need a Silicon Valley developer to program these emails. Nor do you need a marketing guru to design them for you. With TriggMine, they’re at the ready (with minimal personalization required). All you need to do is install the TriggMine plugin, add your logo and contact info, and switch on your triggered campaigns.

Email works and generates income, and TriggMine makes email communication incredibly easy. Say you have a brilliant product but you’re lousy at communicating. Don’t let this shortcoming be your downfall. Step back and let TriggMine do the talking for you.

So you don’t have a sales team to up-sell and cross-sale products? Get whatever message across that you need to in order to grow your business with help from TriggMine. Customer relationship management doesn’t come any simpler than automatic. Learn more about how TriggMine can convince your customers at

Target Market Businesses
How will you make money? 14 days FREE trial, then pricing starts from 57$/month. Free pricing plan is available.
Founders Names Kristina
Twitter Handle @TriggMine
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