Cajutel Inc

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Startup Name Cajutel Inc
What problem are you solving? The GDP increase in the last year was 4.8%. As shareholder of Cajutel, you can be part of gaining first movers market share while helping the fast developing countries to get access to better education in a very fast developing country.
What is your solution? Cajutel Inc is crowdsourcing it’s buildup of high speed 4G internet infrastructure for west africa (Guinea-Bissau & Guinea)

The network brings affordable internet to millions of people in a country where currently only 1-2% can access the internet.

This is a greenfield approach including solar powered infrastructure and will build out the countries backbone from scratch.

Target Market Investors
How will you make money? Through Sales
Tell us about the market & founders, why is this a great opportunity? Telecom Pioneerswho have started up several wIred and wireless ISPs in Europe since 1994
Founders Names Andreas Fink
Twitter Handle @cajutel
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