CM Fusion

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Startup Name CM Fusion
What problem are you solving? CM Fusion keeps all your project information in one place, accessible from any device.Keep your project documents organized and synced. Track your project activity and team communication. Log daily field reports and progress in real-time.

CM Fusion removes the need for redundant project management overhead – i.e. manual paperwork, excess email, meeting minutes, etc. Work smarter, not harder.

What is your solution? CM Fusion helps construction teams stay better connected and organized by managing all project information in one place.
Target Market consumers
How will you make money? through sales
Tell us about the market & founders, why is this a great opportunity? Ali Jafarian – software engineer and serial entrepreneur. Over a decade building enterprise level software and start-up products. Studied architecture and economics.Brian Cook – technical founder with 12+ years architecting solutions for Fortune 500 companies and start-ups.

Steve Layne – general contractor with 10+ years managing commercial construction projects from 1-100M.

Founders Names Ali Jafarian
If you have a press kit or image gallery please provide a link (optional)
Twitter Handle @CM_Fusion
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