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Startup Name SnapMobile
What problem are you solving? Mobile app development is extremely expensive and time-consuming.For anyone who needed an app – whether entrepreneur or enterprise – their options were limited to hiring a team or an agency in order to bring an MVP concept to life and test its viability. This required spending hundreds of thousands of dollars, and waiting 4-6 months for the product to launch.
What is your solution? We build and design mobile apps within 4 weeks for a flat fee.From startup tech companies who need a minimum viable product affordably and quickly, to enterprises who need to rapidly prototype innovative products, we provide the broader marketplace with affordable, timely and beautifully-designed mobile apps that change the possibilities of business communication.

We\’ve taken our collective knowledge of mobile best practices and built a backend-as-a-service platform, which we call SnapCore, that allows us to design and build iOS and Android apps for clients within weeks – as opposed to months – all for a flat fee. Through our unique process, we enable businesses of all sizes to build and iterate upon mobile technology that is critical to their success quickly and affordably.

Instead of strategizing about how we can charge more for our products and services, we continuously try to find ways to reduce the price of our offerings and execute faster. Our model revolves around sharing the cost of development amongst all our clients, which enables us to charge less to individual customers. Over time, as we continue to grow, our prices and build timelines will decrease further. Our long-term goal is to reduce the barriers to developing a mobile app to nearly zero.

Target Market Entrepreneurs, Startups, SMBs, Innovation / IT Leads for Enterprise Companies
How will you make money? Currently, we charge a build fee and monthly usage fee to clients. Our goal is to, eventually, eliminate the build fee and charge only the monthly usage fee. Over time, as we gain more and more clients, the monthly fee will decrease.
Tell us about the market & founders, why is this a great opportunity? FOUNDING STORYA number of us come from mobile dev shops or agency backgrounds. After many years of building custom products for clients, we started to see a pattern: Despite the fact that the feature set and functionality for most mobile apps is very similar, each one is typically built custom, from scratch.

Our \’ah ha\’ moment occurred when we decided to compare similarities across all the mobile products we had built, consolidate the best practices we learned over the years, and use this to build a backend-as-a-service platform. By developing from this platform or \’engine,\’ we can build mobile products in a fraction of the time it would take to build them custom.


Our CEO and Co-Founder, Andy Mack, previously was the head of business development and sales at Vokal, a mobile app development agency in Chicago. He was one of the first employees and helped it grow from under 4 employees to nearly 70. Prior to this, Andy was heavily involved in the trade show space.

Our CTO and Co-Founder, Brandon Passley, has founded and run 4 companies, including Vokal, in the mobile app development space. While at Vokal, Brandon started Mobile Makers Academy, a bootcamp and training program that teaches iOS and Swift development.

Lauren Fellure is the head of Growth, and a Partner in the business, and Angela Vitzthum is the head of Product, and also a Partner in the business.

Founders Names Andy Mack, Brandon Passley. Partners | Lauren Fellure, Angela Vitzthum
Founders Email NA
What type of funding has the company received? NA
If you have a press kit or image gallery please provide a link (optional)  


Twitter Handle @SnapMobileIO
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