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What problem are you solving? Digital transformation requires entrepreneurs and enterprises to rethink their processes and how they interact with suppliers and customers. Old school software vendors are competing with SaaS solutions and have to extend or adopt their software licensing business. speeds up the creation process of a web application as a SaaS product. Thus lowering risk, development time, time-to-market and overhead.
What is your solution? Build applications without code by using your allows everyone to turn ideas into powerful applications. Save time by building your application without coding and clicking. Simply chat with Alpha and Alpha will create it for you. The workflow engine is IFTTT with multiple DOs. Choose from a set of twitter bootstrap themes in order to make your web application responsive for any device. Create your application from your existing Excel sheets. Much more helpful features to come. targets agencies, IT-consultants and enterprises who need to build applications fast.

Target Market it-consultants, agencies, developers, people who cannot code
How will you make money? through sales
Tell us about the market & founders, why is this a great opportunity? is a product of necara gmbh. A technology lab located near Frankfurt in Germany. Necara was founded in February 2015 by Torben Daudistel, Tri Nhan Vu and Thorsten Winternheimer. A team with a good skillset mix of Code, Design and Business. Torben started developing software at the age of 12 and founded his first company two years later. Recently he sold his enterprise hosting business in order to focus on necara. Nhan is the allrounder. Front-end, back-end and growth hacker, you name him. He spent 4 years in Southeast Asia building up teams and international business relations for two startups and is co-founder of Agile Vietnam. Thorsten is a serial entrepreneur running four companies besides necara. He is an advisor and grows businesses like flowers.
Founders Names Torben Daudistel
If you have a press kit or image gallery please provide a link (optional)
Twitter Handle @saas_do
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Pitch your Startup, App or Hardware or post a Startup Event or Startup Job

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