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Startup Name TruGlyph
What problem are you solving? With your help, it is our goal to give the world the ability to communicate visually. Glyphs are the building blocks of this visual language. With TruGlyph you can draw them, tag them and curate those that are meaningful to you, your life, and your culture. As our community grows, our library of \’glyphs\’ will also grow. It is our mission to help the world tell their story through a new, visual language.
What is your solution? With TruGlyph we will give everyone the ability to communicate visually. \”Glyphs\” are the building blocks of this visual language. With the TruGlyph app you draw simple images that represent words and context and release them into the world. You can draw them, tag them and curate those that are meaningful to you, your life, and your culture. As you submit glyphs you will earn badges and level up. Finally, those who earn the most badges will receive financial rewards for being a top contributing member of the community.Become a part of this amazing community and help build something great! Download the TruGlyph app today
Target Market Consumers
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Tell us about the market & founders, why is this a great opportunity? TruGlyph is an application built by TruScribe. TruScribe was the first company to provide professional, reliable, and affordable whiteboard video production. We started working on our first project in November of 2010. HFI’s video “The ROI of UX Design,” was the most successful marketing education campaign they’d run to date and we knew we had created something that the market was looking for, different from anything else around. The reason it was so different was because of Scribology. Working closely with Dr. Susan Weinschenk, we designed a method for creating whiteboard video that was based in neuroscience and behavioral psychology research. Everything about our process supports the delivery of a message in a way that stimulates the viewer. We’ve iterated and innovated our tools to move messages and today, your company and your messages can benefit from our unmatched whiteboard storytelling experience.
Founders Names Eric Mills
Founders Email NA
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Twitter Handle truglyph
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